Tigray is Still Calling for Justice

Call for a Global Protest – December 9, 2021

Stop M ass Incarceration of Innocent Citizens

Stop the Use of Drone Warfare Technology Against Civilians

The enemies of the Tigray people are once again in full swing, reinforcing their near-death genocidal acts in forms that are unimaginable and unconscionable. The mass incarceration of thousands of Tigrayans and the extrajudicial killing of several Tigrayan civilians in almost all cities and towns of Ethiopia has continued with impunity. The arrests and killings include prominent university professors, clergy, children and nursing women.

The extrajudicial killings of civilians inside Tigray have also continued via air-strikes and drone attacks of residential areas and civilian infrastructure. The recent multiple air strikes in Mekelle, Almeda Textile Factory and Tekeze hydro-electric dam are some examples.

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The intensified attacks on Tigray signify the unparalleled hate of the enemies harbor towards the Tigray people. However, the sons and daughters of Tigray have shown unparalleled perseverance, resilience and patriotism to fight against such injustice, humiliation and inhumane treatment from their own government. These are manifested in the tremendous military, political and diplomatic setbacks they inflicted on the enemies of Tigray, both in Ethiopia and in the international arena.

The trend so far clearly shows that our enemies are finally on the brink of their inevitable bitter defeat. Knowing their defeat, however, they are calling on all available internal and foreign adversaries to cause maximum damage on Tigray and Tigrayans. These threats need to be stopped as soon as possible. Thus, there is a need for our expeditious, continued and unified response than ever before.

In light of these, the Security and Justice for Tigrayans (SJT) is calling for a global mass protest of all Tigrayans and friends of Tigray around the world to show solidarity with the people of Tigray, condemn the transgressions of Abiy Ahmed and his enablers, and once again to call upon the international community to call the spade a spade and take action commensurate with international laws and norms. The main focus of the protest is to call for stopping of the arbitrary mass incarceration of Tigrayans and Oromos as well as the use of Drone Warfare Technology (supplied by foreign countries) against civilians.

The global protest will be held on December 9, 2021 in all countries where there are Tigrayans & friends of Tigray. The specific time shall be determined as deemed convenient locally.

Finally, at this critical juncture, this is the least that every Tigrayan can contribute for the people of Tigray and everyone must strive to achieve full mobilization of all Tigrayans and our allies .

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” --Christopher Reeve.

In the end, the perseverance and resilience of the Tigray people will prevail against all odds!


Security and Justice for Tigrayans (SJT)

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