This is the time for Tigrean Solidarity and not division.

By Teodros Kiros (Ph. D)


Tigrean selfhood should never be compromised for the sake of Tigrean elites asking for a transitional government, at this critical juncture of Tigrean existence.

This narrow-minded vision by opportunists, strategizing to come to power by short cuts, is neither appropriate or intelligent at this time.

When innocent Tigreans continue to sacrifice their daughters and sons in the prime of their lives  to fight for their survival as the historic founders of Axum, the pillar of Classical Ethiopia; when racist Ethiopians are sending themselves to  Tigray to annihilate Tigreans, with inept foot soldiers, but millions of them equipped with drones from China, Turkey, the Emirates and Iran, it is treason for Tigreans in the diaspora to demand irrelevant, untimely, strategically impotent call for a transitional government,  going nowhere, other than sowing division, chaos and destruction.

At this time, Tigreans of all stripes, rich and poor, men and women, young and old, must speak with a single voice, with a clarion call for solidarity, brotherhood, sisterhood, love and commitment to the struggle for Tigrean sovereignty, for Tigrean survival.

Tigrean sovereignty is not for sale.  Not at this time, or perhaps never.

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We Tigreans ought to be existentially serious now.  Whatever the failing of the existing Tigrean government, this is not the time to call for a transitional government, but the unconditional support of the existing regime and its functional strategies of securing its people's very existence.   This is not time to call for transition but to fortify Tigreans and fight our enemies collectively.

This is a ripe time for democratic discipline and not irrational anarchy.  Those Tigreans who are calling for a transitional government are giving the determined enemies of Tigrai an opportunity to divide Tigreans so that they could carry out the ethnic cleansing of Tigreans, the dream of the racists.

Tigreans should say yes to solidarity and no to division and untimely quest for a transitional Tigrean government.  This is the time for saving Tigreans from annihilation, if necessary, and if the UN and other powers are unwilling to come to the aid of Tigreans immediately, then Tigreans themselves must do it collectively, united, fortified, determined and equipped to emancipate themselves.

The shortcomings of the existing regime can be appropriately and critically discussed after the necessary and sufficient condition of freeing Tigreans from the shackles of Ethiopian tyranny under the leadership of the shameless Abiy in Addis Abeba.

Freedom is never given. It must be generated by those who are not free.

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