In the late afternoon yesterday, I heard the breaking news about the liberation of Mekelle on ATV with my mouth widely open and my tiny eyes bulging out, letting warm tears of joy flow down my cheeks. In the morning hours of Nov. 4, 2020, I had experienced the same open mouth and budging eyes when I heard about the tragic news of the invasion of Tigray. At that devastating moment my eyes dropped cold tears of grief. I was not alone then, and I am not alone now. Millions of Tegaru were and are in the same mood and even much higher. Why not? This is a matter of survival, not of an individual, not of a political group, but of an entire people. The victory is nothing less than rising from the dead. For most of us Tegaru, who have become stateless in a country we trusted as a motherland, the resurrection of Tigray is a matter of having a homeland we can call your own. This is the pinnacle of human identity. What happened yesterday is in a small part a miracle; but a larger part of it is the logical outcome of the invincible army of Tigray and its battle hardened, patriotic, determined, and skillful commanders. The swift counterattack on a vast scale and the victory, by a comparatively small and poorly equipped army of Tigray, against a multinational force armed to the teeth with heavy weaponry and air power, is unprecedented in world history. It could dwarf the heroic feat of the smaller number of Spartans at Thermopylae against the countless Persians.
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