A few weeks ago, Shalequa Temesgen Tiruneh, not only made territorial claims against the Tigray Nation but he told us too, just like so many Ahdaweeian before him in the last two years, what he planned to do about it.  Regarding his territorial claims, we will see what the court of historical justice will say when the time comes to present the historical footprints some eight thousand years long.  But we Tegaru must take his threat very seriously, Remember those about one hundred thousand Tegaru who were ethnic cleansed from Shifa, Gondar, Bahir Dar, Debarik, and Debre Markos, and those hundreds innocent civilians murdered!  Until we meet in the court of historical justice or at the battle front or at both, there are somethings the Ahdaweeian Misery Indexers must know, for “getting the mouth in gear before the brain is engaged,” could backfire with “shock and awe” of incredible intensity and lethality! For too long, our silence has been mistaken for consent. For, for too long too, The extremists in ANDM along with their likes in the Ahdaweeian or Unitarian “Misery Indexers,” and their Diaspora mouth pieces as well as their Arab handlers, have used many code words to bring about our demise, and they have called us many names too.  Our advice? Please do not waste your time. eep that which is not our own but that which is absolutely and unequivocally yours for yourself, is our advice! We have lived where we live now, where you live now and beyond for that much!  We did not just live but build civilization second to none! We have been a people of faith since eons of time too distant to contemplate and measure. We have worshiped gods, God, angels and saints. We have practiced Judaism before Christianity. We not only have been a part of the ministry of Christ but also, we were present during his birth.
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