Egyptian president Al Sisi said; “Nile River is God’s gift to Egyptian people” in his twitter account on Oct 05, 2019. The president made the statement to reaffirm to Egyptians people and international community that his country is going to take necessary measures to ensure Egypt's water rights in River Nile i.e., Ethiopia cannot use a water from a Nile river flowing for 800 km in Ethiopia before departing to Sudan.  In my opinion, the first part of president’s statement is true, given the magnitude of the river’s footprint on Egypt’s history, culture, economy, and development. However, the truer statement would be Image result for Nile river in Ethiopia not just the river, but the Ethiopia’s highlands are also God’s gift to Egypt. There cannot be Nile River, if the highlands aren’t trapping water-vapor from prevailing air mass (i.e., equatorial trade and monsoon winds), condense and turn them into a precipitation forming the Nile river.

The highlands that made Ethiopia a water tower of Africa creates a unique hydrologic state and processes responsible for forming various river systems flowing into Egypt and other neighboring countries such as Sudan, Kenya, Somali and Djibouti. Examples are rivers such as Abay (i.e., Blue Nile), Baro, Tekeze, Omo, Juba, Shebelle and Awash. The rivers are significant for the very existence of life, ancient civilizations and current economic development in these countries, although historically, their uses were limited to supplying drinking water for the downstream population and their domestic animals. However, with increasing sedentary life and advancement in agricultural science, the rivers became source of irrigation water for agriculture and agri-food production (i.e., including fishery production) . The advent of regional trade and commerce made the rivers’ delta and floodplain a preferred habitat for human settlement. The rivers eased navigations, transportation of goods and human waste disposal. Currently, the rivers are landmarks and aesthetic for major cities and their population in the region such as Mogadishu (1.3 million), Kisumayo (180,000), Alexandria (3.3 million), Khartoum (5.3 million), Cairo (9.13 million) and Juba (300,000).
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