“The difficulties of peace are better than the agonies of war”

Menchem Begin (Israel PM)

Yohannes Aberra, PhD


Although I can't be sure about what the implications of the decision of the House of Federation, to consider the elections in Tigray as null and void are, I had spent the entire day building scenarios based on the possible decisions the House may reach until the news broke. Today was a tense day for us all because if the House of Federation succumbs to the pressure of  the satanic recommendations of some opposition parties and hate mongers, who are eager to see Tigray in flames, it may make a historical mistake of plunging Ethiopia into a bloody civil war. War in Tigray cannot be one of the episodes of a Silvester Stallone's "Rambo" series. It would be like the destructive "Game of thrones" reducing the seven kingdoms into triviality and the separation of the north. Sun Tzu said: "the wise warrior avoids the battle". Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher, who is credited by the whole world for authoring the "Art of War". Bravery is giving priority to alternative paths which lead to peace rather than to war. War mongering has never been bravery. In fact, history has shown that those who initiate it out of the belief that they have the capacity to win it, have perished in it. The invincible Napoleon was defeated in Russia! so was Hitler's war machine in the same place. A mechanized European army was defeated in Dogali and Adwa by spears and swords.
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