Yohannes Gebrsellasie (Ph.d) Addis Ababa


More often than not, I tried to reiterate the importance and more importantly, the impact of climate change to my readers and collogue. Some replied with the same concern while others were skeptical about the issue in question. The Global climate impact on human as well as animal lives goes without saying. Some colleagues try to downplay the climate issue and tell me that I have to raise more important issues according to their priorities of course; issues such as poverty, desertification, migration,   peace and security etc. My answer to my dear readers and colleagues is simple, clear and net. All those issues they raise are important but they are directly linked and firmly intertwined with the impact of climate change, In fact, all their concerns can be solved if humanity is more concerned and joins hands to solve the global climate crisis and at least be able to minimize the carbon emission causing havoc and destruction to our earth. The climate issue is not an individual, group, community, political party and even a government or non-government organization’s and/or association’s issue. It is definitely an issue rather a very important issue of the entire global community at large.

The climate issue Is the issue of the Global planet. It concerns every one of us, all of us as human beings who care not only for the wellbeing of our generation bur indeed for our next generation as well. We as people survive because of it so do the animal species. We all depend on it for our survival. So do our animal species.  Extinction of climate means extinction of human as well as animal species, as simple as that and as scary as that. Therefore, my answer to my dear readers is also as simple and as clear as that. So what is happening to this important issue in question? Here is my take. Our future lives on Earth. Our Earth is currently suffering because of climate change and many of us do not even understand that or we are simply complacence about it.  The weather is getting from bad to worse from time to time; the floods are destroying roads, construction sites, buildings, residential areas, bridges etc. It is even taking human as well as animal lives in an unpredictable and unprecedented ways and means. The ice bergs are melting and animal species are disappearing from our planet. The scale of the tribulation we as human being face is unparalleled.  It is way much worse than we think and what we imagine. It is unimaginable to think what the not nearly distance enough future probably holds for us. Our future forecast is simply doom. Dying oceans, unbeatable air and plagues of warming are enough to induce an honest to God panic attack.  This  is a warning to some of us who even think we are already terrified to the future to be strongly complacence about the scientific proof.

We now that climate change will raise  sea level rises of between four to eight feet before the end of this century,; but then again what is a few feet if you happen to live a couple of  miles inland? That so many feel already acclaimed to the prospect of  a near future  world with dramatically higher oceans come to accept the inevitably of extended nuclear war because that is the scale of devastation the rising ocean will bring. It is worse than we think. If our anxiety about global warming is dominated by fears of sea-level rise, we are barely scratching the surface of what terrors are possible, even within the lifetime of a teenager today. Rising oceans are bad, in fact very bad; but fleeing the coastline will not be enough. Indeed, absent a significant adjustment to how billions of humans conduct their lives, parts of the Earth will likely become close to uninhabitable, and other parts horrifically inhospitable as soon as the end of this century. Even when we train our eyes on climate change, we are unable to comprehend its scope. This past winter, a string of days 60 and 70 degrees warmer than normal baked the North Pole, melting the permafrost that encased Norway’s Svalbard seed vault a global food bank nicknamed Doomsday, designed to ensure that our agriculture survives any catastrophe, and which appeared to have been flooded by climate change less than ten years after being built.

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